Tuesday, October 7, 2014

Relationship Chronicles: 2

What is more important: Sex or Intimacy?
This is something to debate about right? Some people may not even know the difference between the two. Here's what I think......


The word itself is interesting right? A few things come to mind when I hear this word. Meaningless, one-night stands, hook-ups, etc. In my opinion, sex is something that you can get from anywhere. A friend, a random person you meet at a club or party, someone you met online, someone you don't even have feelings for can have sex with you. It sounds a little crazy but, hear me out. Sex is a physical act. Something you do for pleasure or some people might say to "get your rocks off". There are no feelings or meaning in this. Sex is should be considered "the most intimate act", but it can also be an act without consent, an act which is paid for, or a mere physical exchange.


The word alone sounds better than "sex". To be intimate, that involves feelings and emotions. Intimacy takes time to build. So many things are involved in this. Intimacy can only be achieved when you know and care for someone deeply, when you TRULY love, have a deep connection, and feel completely free with someone. This is why it is so different from just "sex". You don't even have to know someone to have sex with them. This is sad, but true given the morals and standards of so many people today. However, you don't need sex to be intimate with your partner. Intimacy can be mind stimulation, spending quality time with your significant other, connecting through non-sexual contact as well and not necessarily a scene from your favorite erotica themed book.

What if I told you that in a really deep, connected, and strong relationship both of these combined are important? You can have one without the other in a good relationship. For instance, say your partner is not able to actually get physical with you sexually due to some preexisting medical condition. That doesn't mean that you can't connect with them on an intimate level. However, it can be argued that there is nothing more intimate than vulnerably offering yourself to someone in the physical act of sex, therefore connecting the two terms again, even in the case of a one-night stand. Being intimate involves you being open, honest, and giving yourself as a whole to your partner. Doing that can  make your relationship stronger and help through out all aspects including in the bedroom.

What do you think is more important? What do these things mean to you? I want to know your thoughts!

Personally, I don't think that sex is better than intimacy. I think they are better combined.
The Rambling Tea
Thanks to http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2013/04/26/how-does-sex-differ-from-intimacy/ for helping me get a better understanding on this.

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